My Hero

Author: The Bloody Tao /

"When I was a young boy my father took me into the city to see a marching band. He said, son when you grow up would you be the savior of the broken the beaten and the damned? He said , will you defeat them your demons and all the nonbelievers, the plans that they have made? Because one day I'll leave you a phantom to lead you in the summer to join the black parade. " Lyrics by MCR

My dad told me to carry on. He told me how to be a man before he left. But my dad isn't here to help me. He isn't here to help me figure it all out and he isn't here to guide me in my decisions. His memory isn't enough. I'm not like my dad. I'm nothing like my dad. So who am I supposed to look to? Who am I supposed to idolize? What's a kid supposed to do when he doesn't have a hero?

I've become my own hero. I might not be yours or anyone else's, but I won't ever give up. I won't ever let them keep me down. You can't be my hero. You're destined to fail. You'll always disappoint me. I will always try to be the best, even when I'm not. When I'm not the best I'll just keep trying. I won't ever set my sights too low. I'm going to touch the sky and there isn't anyone that can stop me.

I don't want to live forever, I'm not afraid to die. And I won't sidestep one obstacle that looms in my path. It's my life, it's my path and I'm going to walk it, not over it or around it. I'm going to walk through it.

I don't plan on being just another rhythm lost in the crowd. I'm going to stand out, burn bright, beat out my life, my blood on the drums and people are going to hear me. They might not ever understand me, but they'll hear me alright. The plains will throb with my thoughts and my dreams and I'll do it my way.

That is what makes me my own best hero.